Mtn Ambition Interest List

Mtn Ambition

Summer Series

Mountain Focused

Strength & Endurance Training

For Bad Ass Women

A 12 week training program for ambitious women designed to get you strong AF, build mountain specific endurance, and learn how to train & fuel for your unique physiology!

Hormonal fluctuations can impact training at various points in our cycle. I want you to have all the education you need to predict how your hormones will affect your training so you can prevent injury & get stronger, faster.

Mtn Ambition is the ultimate program for women who recreate in the outdoors and want to feel confident & capable in the mountains this summer.

Add your email below to get on the interest list for early details, first dibs on this new program (spots are limited) and any/all discounts & bonuses! No obligation.

We start May 1st!


3 Phase Training Approach

Mtn Ambition is designed & tested by women for women. The 12 week program is broken down into 3 phases:

FOUNDATIONS: In this phase, you'll lay the groundwork for continued progress by building a solid foundation of strength, stamina, & master proper technique. This phase is critical for preventing injury and ensuring your body is ready for more demanding & specialized training.

RISE & GRIND: This phase is all about building mountain specific strength, power, and muscular endurance. By the end of this phase, you'll have the strength & endurance to handle bigger adventures in the mountains.

PRIME TIME: In this phase, your focus will be on getting outside as much as possible. In training, this means we will focus on strength & power, but chop volume to limit fatigue. July & August are where you should really be crossing those summer adventures off your bucket list and GETTING AFTER IT.

"My race went great! My food was dialed, my aerobic capacity was WAY better than I thought it would, I had no weird back pains like I struggled with last year, and I felt as solid as I could at mile 100. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HELP!"

"I've immensely enjoyed working with Liz from 1:1 coaching to following many of her programs. She really cares about her clients/audience and is incredibly knowledgeable and insightful. These attributes shine through in all of her programs and interactions. She's authentic and has been through many of the same issues that we've all faced and has created effective and easy to use solutions to help us become the best versions of ourselves as athletes."

"Liz provides a refreshing, all-inclusive approach to training and injury prevention/mitigation. Her wealth of knowledge and attention to detail is invaluable and I have consistently been breaking barriers and performing better since working with her."

Meet Your Coach

What's Up!

I'm Liz, the founder of Mountain Edge Performance and I'll be working with you throughout the entire summer as we move through the Mtn Ambition program!

In high school, I started my first structured training program thanks to some bad ass coaches. Needless to say, it changed my life. I felt strong in my body, capable, empowered, independent. My performance sky-rocketed and I felt bulletproof against injury. Ya know, as some people call it, SOLID.

This is exactly why I created Mtn Ambition. To give women a space to learn what it means to be mountain strong, LIFT HEAVY SHIT, inspire one another, and learn how to work WITH their female physiology, not against it.

This program won't be a "tone-up, low cal" walk in the park, but as you already know, nothing worth having comes "easy."

I hope to see you on the other side :)


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